Thermal DPF Cleaning

Southpointe Radiator Cleans Diesel Particulate Filters

After seeing the above picture, many have wondered why would anyone use an automated cleaning service. The only answers I have found are either “cost or that’s what’s available”. The leading equipment supplier to OEMs and their engine builders has invested heavily in marketing their automated cleaning machines as being certified and consistent. That claim is very true.

The FSX machine is certified by all OEMs and their engine builders. So I figure it’s cost-related. Labor is the primary variable in the cost of filter cleaning. An automated machine requires no skill or attention to detail. Just put in the filter and hope for the best.

How Many Times Has Hoping Worked For You And Your Truck?

Diesel Particulate FiltersAt Southpointe Radiator, we only use the best and most thorough cleaning techniques available. Our process starts upon arrival. Your filter will be tagged to ensure you get your filter back. Second, we weigh each filter prior to any cleaning. Then after weighing each filter we will load them into our digitally controlled electric oven where we will bake the filters for approximately 8 hours. In addition, after removing the filters and allowing them to cool “the oven heats them up to 1000 degrees”, filters are loaded into a manual blast cabinet. We run a preliminary flow test.

In the cabinet our service techs will clean each individual filter for maximum ash removal, restoring maximum filter flow and capacity. When manual blast cleaning is completed the filter will get reweighed to positively track the amount of total ash removed from the filter. The final step is buffing clean the exterior and recording available identification data.

Diesel Particulate Filters Service

What’s best, is after we clean your filter it looks as good as new and flows like brand new. We do all of this with free pickup. We are on a standard turnaround of 1 day. Call us today at 1-734-351-5365 or contact us. We also carry DPF accessories as well, such as clamps and gaskets.


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